Southern California Mountains Foundation Seeks Public Input for State OHMVR Grants
SAN BERNARDINO, Calif., March 4, 2024 –The Southern California Mountains Foundation (SCMF) has submitted 2 preliminary restoration applications with the State of California Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division (OHMVR) grants on March 4, 2024, with the final grant applications due June 3, 2024.
California grant regulations require public notice for these preliminary applications giving the public an opportunity to comment on them. These grants will support restoration activities (such as fencing, planting, and seeding) on Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) damaged lands managed by the San Bernardino National Forest and Army Corps of Engineers.
The State of California Department of Parks and Recreation and the Southern California Mountains Foundation have maintained a successful partnership for more than 20 years and have granted the Foundation funding to produce quality OHV safety and education programs and multiple successful restoration projects on public lands. SCMF has been a longtime partner of the San Bernardino National Forest and more recently a partner to the Bureau of Land Management and the Army Corps of Engineers.
We are encouraging the public to provide comments on our grant proposals that will improve our Restoration Program and proposed projects. Public comments can be made online directly on the State OHMVR grant page from March 5th to May 6th at 5:00pm PST at:
https://olga.ohv.parks.ca.gov/egrams_ohmvr/user/home.aspx (click on “Public Review”)
If you have questions or are unable to access the state website, please email [email protected] or the Southern California Mountains Foundation directly with your comments at [email protected] by May 6th, 2024, with the words “OHV Grant Comments” in the subject line.