Southern California Mountains Foundation Seeks Public Comments for State OHMVR Grant
The Southern California Mountains Foundation is seeking comments from the public on two preliminary grants submitted to the State of California to fund off highway vehicle (ohv) related restoration projects on lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management Palm Springs- South Coast Field Office and the San Bernardino National Forest. The draft applications, based on public and staff feedback given in February, seek to restore OHV damaged lands by methods of fencing, seeding, revegetation, and installation of new signs to protect sensitive habitat.
The full proposals can be read at California State Parks’ OHV website at http://www.ohv.parks.ca.gov. Public review instructions are also available at http://ohv.parks.ca.gov. Hard and digital copies are additionally available by contacting Linda Stamer at [email protected]. Comments are required to be submitted to California State Parks via their website under the “Grants”. Comments will be accepted between Tuesday, March 7, 2023, and 5 p.m. Monday, May 1, 2023. The Foundation will review and consider public comments before submitting their final grant applications on June 5th.