The Adopt-A-Trail Program steps in to help our trails by giving individuals, families, friends, groups, businesses, and clubs of any size, an opportunity to adopt a section of trail on an annual basis. Each sponsor supports their Adopted Trail through financial contributions.
The Adopt-A-Trail (AAT) Program is for those that would like to contribute financially to the Trails Program; the funds allow us to maintain and improve trails throughout the San Bernardino National Forest. Trail sections are available for $2,000 annually per section, with renewal every January.
Upon becoming an AAT sponsor, here are the ways in which we will recognize and thank you for your contribution:
- Trail signs — The logo or chosen image of AAT sponsors will be placed in full-color on the trail sign at either end of the trail section, for the duration of the year in which they sponsor that section.
- Digital recognition Trail signs— Sponsors will be acknowledged on the SCMF website and on social media accounts.
- Physical recognition — Sponsors will be acknowledged on the scrolling TV screen at the Discovery Center.
- Private work parties — If sponsors desire it, SCMF will provide the opportunity for a private trail work party in which we will provide the tools and supervise the work.

Explore the Benefits
You love the trails and when you adopt one, they love you right back!

In addition to the above recognition, AAT sponsors also have the opportunity for further community involvement and recognition by participating in our Trails Program events throughout the year:
- Treats & Trails — The Trails Program will hold an annual trick-or-treating event for Halloween. The event will take place along an accessible centrally-located trail, with candy booths set up along the trail. AAT sponsors have the opportunity to have a booth and include their own promotional materials in their setup.
- National Trails Day — AAT sponsors have the opportunity to contribute to and/or participate in the Trails Program annual National Trails Day Event.
- Contributions to the event will be recognized during the event and on promotional materials and social media.
- National Public Lands Day — AAT sponsors will have the opportunity to contribute to and/or participate in the Trails Program annual National Public Lands Day event.
- Contributions to the event will be recognized during the event and on promotional materials and social media.