National Trails Day: Big Bear Trails Hosts with the Most
Join the Southern California Mountains Foundation (SCMF) Trails Program for the American Hiking Society’s National Trails Day® June 5, 2021 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on multiple trails throughout the valley. Hospitality kiosks will be located at Cougar Crest, the Pacific Crest Trail at Cushenberry Summit, Aspen Glen, and the Woodland Trail. Visit a kiosk to pick up your compostable trash bag then return it with collected litter for free trail goodies. Together we can advocate for equitable inclusion outdoors and care for the trails we love.
The Big Bear Trails Program wants to show you we are the “Hosts with the Most!” Take photos of our Trail Hosts and post them on social media tagging @BigBearTrails and #PostAHost for more chances to win! Possible prizes include stickers, t-shirts, hats, buffs, and more, all courtesy of the SCMF Trails Program and Visit Big Bear’s Care for Big Bear campaign.
Our Trail Host program includes more than 60 volunteers who help monitor and maintain more than 100 miles across 53 trails. If you’re interested in becoming a Trail Host, email [email protected].
Join the nationwide movement on June 5 by taking the National Trails Day® Pledge and celebrate with the hiking community online at https://americanhiking.org/.